Monday, 22 June 2015


Hello, poor, neglected blog! Although I don't have any of my work to show at the moment I have still been busy, creatively. (I promise!)

I recently spent a very inspirational day with the goodly folk at the Little Angel Theatre, where I did a course in Writing For Puppetry. It was a brilliant day, and I met some really talented, fabulous people. Most excitingly, I met the lovely Imogen Di Sapia, who has recently started up the Bright Moon Theatre Company. Being only a stone's throw from me in Brighton, we really hope to work together soon! I am planning to make a new puppet, which if all goes well will make her debut on Halloween night…

Yesterday, I went to ELCAF, the East London Comic and Arts Fair. I have missed it every year until now and kicked myself, but at last I made it, and very splendid it was too. Although I have never made a comic/zine it's something I really want to do. Comics people are so lovely, I find, and it was nice to see some of the people I have only so far seen online. I bought a comic by the super talented Isabel Greenberg, whose book The Encyclopaedia of Early Earth is one of my favourite ever books. I also bought one of Philippa Rice's lovely books - she is as nice as she seems in her book! I really enjoyed seeing Viviane Schwarz doing cat portraits of people…was far too shy to get one myself though! Finally I went to a talk by Jillian Tamaki, which was so great…I just want ALL of her books, right now!

My only regret of the day was NOT buying this absolutely scrummy toast plate...
I kept going back and looking longingly at it but I didn't have much money and had only planned on buying books, and was all confused to suddenly be desperate for a plate. I was a fool! I want it so badly! It's made by Charlotte Mei, who I very much wish had done a hard sell! (But was far too nice for that!)

In other news, I recently applied for a job which involved having a one and a half hour Skype meeting. This made me realise that I am in fact hideous and haggard, and am very thankful that my friends and family have stuck by me despite this.  

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