Wednesday, 13 June 2012


I was supposed to visit my friends today and embark on things arty. But I couldn't rake up the train fare. Looking at it in a glass half full kind of way, at least I now had a day off in which I could start to chip away at the huge list of projects I want to do. But no, it wasn't to be. Instead I decided to go down with a terrible cold. I could feel it roaring about in my head yesterday, and today it's in full flow. Literally. So instead of exciting new projects, I offer you a photo of a cushion I made the other day. Sorry about that.

Oh and I read this book. It's been knocking around my bookshelves for ages, and somehow got forgotten about. But it's one of the best books I've read for ages...really strange, beautiful and thought-provoking. Not to mention gorgeous illustrations by Jon McNaught.

Ooh! It's more than four hours since I had a Lemsip, which means I can have another one! Hooray!

1 comment:

Sue Westcott said...

Hope you feel better soon.